Who am I?

  • Hugo

    My name is Hugo. I was born and lived all my childhood in a small village on the French Riviera called Bormes-les-Mimosas. I also lived in Paris: I studied French and English literature, philosophy, and geography at the Lycée Henri IV and Sorbonne University, then I studied fine arts at the École des Beaux-arts de Paris. I am proud of my eclectic background in liberal arts, and I cannot think of my life without aesthetic emotions and passion for books and ideas! I created The French Book Club to share my love of literature and my enthusiasm for sharing about French language and culture.

After five years of teaching French in New York City, I gradually focused on courses in French and Francophone literature. I discovered that this was a wonderful opportunity for my students of French: through adapted books and the pleasure of reading, another way of learning French was possible. I try to encourage sharing among students through analysis and discussion because literature is not only a means of learning but also an opening to the francophone culture.

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